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Freezin for a Reason

It’s going to be crazy, but today, usually normal adults and kids will be jumping into the Pemberton Swimming Pool but it’s all for a great cause.

The Pemberton Swimming Pool is a natural water hole which has been formed into a semi formed swimming pool.

It was built by the community in 1932 and is a wonderful story about life in those times.

Back then, parents picked the children up and sent them to Bunbury for swimming lessons. So this time they sent them off and the parents created a large dam behind the railway station so when the kids return they had a pool. Over the years it was semi lined and concrete walls and even a kiosk and toilets to be what it is today.

The Pemberton swimming pool has seen many events, weddings, Australia Day celebrations and more recently the formation of the Pemberton mountain bike park on its boundary.

This makes it a great place to come and be active, spending time with family, friends or even by yourself. It is a beautiful place .

The Pemberton swimming pool is vested in the Pemberton Visitor Centre and maintenance is done through the Pemberton Caravan Park grounds team who have identified major works that need to be done to this significant iconic attraction. Check out their website here:

So… there was born the Freezing for a Reason event - and the Pemberton Swimming Pool fundraising goal of $100,000.

That’s when you come in.

Have a read, and take some ownership of the pool.

In 1932 all the parents contributed $25 per family to raise money for this pool. It is owned by the community and we invite you to be part of its future by donating here.



PO Box 316

Pemberton, 6260

Western Australia

Tel / 
Mob: +61 0427 133335


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Pemberton Discovery Tours Pty Ltd
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Pemberton Discovery Tours Pty Ltd acknowledges the Wadandi and Pibelmen people as the original inhabitants and traditional custodians of the land in and around the region we operate;

We acknowledge the importance of paying respect to the traditional custodians of the land, their Elders past and present and the continuing cultural and spiritual practices of local Aboriginal people;
We acknowledge the value of local Elders and traditional custodians and their intellectual cultural property and;
Ensure our staff and team understand the importance of Welcome to and Acknowledgement of Country.

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