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At Pemberton Discovery Tours we understand the importance of sustainability for the future of our environment, community and business.


We endeavour to be a carbon neutral business - and where possible encourage others to do the same.


We are so fortunate to be able to live in this environment - and showcase it to visitors traveling through the region - it is world class. Surrounded by these huge Karri - the third tallest trees in the world; however the rest of Australia is not this way.


In 2008 we received Advanced Eco Tourism Accreditation for our ecotours - this means we give you a quality small group ecotour experience with all the benefits of travelling with a certified operator.

We Promise


You will have a safe & memorable tour with us


Learning something new


Discovering something new

Meeting & making new friends along the way.


Graeme & Toni Dearle


Trackcare Beach Cleanup 2019
Climate Change impact


Pemberton Discovery Tours currently has two tours with Advanced Eco Accreditation certified by Ecotourism Australia.

What this means is that the tours are run under certain rules and regulations.

OFFSET YOUR HOLIDAY HERE (by planting trees with Carbon Neutral)

Further information on the eco accreditation and what it means for your tour is availale on their website -

Further information on the carbon audit undertaken on our business (and how you can do one yourself) is available on the Carbon Neutral website


You may also like to look at:

The Gondwana Link project

Great Barrier Reef Environmental Impact Audit at

Other websites include:

The Government

The review by Ross Garnaut commissioned by the Federal Government of Australia located at

It is a job to keep up with policies in these matters - so please let us know if you find us lacking in any way - we are continually evolving!



Pemberton Discovery Tours declare that:


  • No operational or human resource changes have occurred in the business since the last renewal that will affect the product’s compliance with the ECO Certification Program standard, as set out in the original application;


  • hold, and comply with, all the necessary licenses, permits and approvals required by the protected area manager/s or applicable governing bodies relevant to my operation;


  • agree to all conditions as specified in the ECO/ROC/Climate Action Certification Program application


  • commit to operate the certified products according to the standards of the ECO/ROC/Climate Action Certification Program


  • commit to the Business Ethics practices required by Ecotourism Australia – view Business Ethics below.


Business Ethics


These ethics are fundamental to the operation of any business* certified through Ecotourism Australia’s programs.1 Any business found to breach this code may face revocation of their certification at the discretion of the Ecotourism Australia Board of Directors.

This Business:


•Operates within a framework of high ethical standards in its provision of ecotourism services and products, and in its relationships with the community in practice and via all communications (including all digital platforms and social media channels);


•Respects the social, cultural and natural values, heritage and diversity of Australia, and specifically within its region of operation;

•Acknowledges and respects Traditional Owners, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations and recognises the primacy of their obligations, rights and responsibilities to Country, the diversity of their cultures and the deep connections they have with Australia’s lands and waters;

•Is committed to best practice ecological sustainability, natural area management, low environmental footprint,and the provision of authentic, high quality ecotourism experiences;

•Complies with its legal and statutory obligations and requirements;

•Acknowledges its responsibility to treat all customers equally, to meet their reasonable expectations, and to ensure that its advertising and promotional activities accurately reflect the business operations and consumer experience on offer;

•Ensures that its customers are aware of all terms and conditions of the contract (including terms of payment and cancellation) and deals with complaints in a fair and timely manner;

•Is committed to non-discrimination, anti-bullying and equal opportunity employment;

•Ensures that the health and safety of its staff and customers is a key priority in all aspects of its operations;

•Supports its local community (people, businesses and services), and partners with other local/regional ECO certified operators to ensure that the customer has an authentic, high quality ecotourism experience during their stay in the region.

Food, local provinance and fungi​
We have enjoyed working with local land owners and growers including Lake Janis Farms to see how we can improve the quality of food we provide not only on our table, but in our homes. This included recently attending the Matthew Evans Workshop in Manjimup hosted by the Southern Forest Food Council. â€‹
Fire and Timber​
It is such a topical subject at the moment. We have been researching the latest information so we can discuss on our tours. This includes travelling outside of our region to attend talks and discussions on the impact of fire, the warming up of our climate and the future of forests. 
Biodiesel & Pemberton District High School


As a chemist, I wanted to still 'play' and we had the opportunity in 2002 with the local fish and chip shop to trial Biodiesel.


After testing and trialling we commenced making Biodiesel with the local Pemberton District High School as part of their year 9 science curriculumn.

This project has been running since 2002 at the school and many kids have really enjoyed this hands on bucket chemistry! And we enjoyed working with them and testing the fuel for them.

Ecotourism Accreditation
Carbon Neutral
  • We utilise Rezdy booking system to streamline our reservations and make our booking process easier for everyone - it also makes it paperless which is kinder for everyone.

  • We grow our own fruit for the tours

  • We compost paper and food waste from our tours.

  • We source most of our food locally in town or in Manjimup (30km away). 

  • We use local businesses to create our food, service our vehicles and the majority of our expenses are spent within a 30km radius of our operations.

  • We encourage our suppliers to become more sustainable, this includes using biowrap instead of plastic wrap, supplying our own containers for tours and organising containers for change recycling for our local service station. 

  • We are working with Traditional Owners to improve our understanding of First Nations Cultures.

  • We regularly review and update our action plan, risks and performance each year.


See Below for more information on our Ecotourism Accreditation.


CARBON NEUTRAL - and making a difference.


In 2006, Pemberton Discovery Tours became a financial member of Carbon Neutral Pty Ltd - a division of Men of the Trees.


In September 2007 we had an opportunity to purchase a property to continue their great work - this has been a challenge! In 2024 we made the decision to sell the property and advertised for someone to continue on with our plantings. It was a condition of sale that we be able to monitor the progress of the past 18 years of plantings. 

On the 25th July 2024, the property was sold to Andrew, Elisse, Brodie and Hamish - a wonderful family who are so excited to be able to care for this magnificent piece of land. 


The 247 acres (100Ha) of salt lake near Dumbleyung WA was planted with salt tolerant species. It is a property which is seen as not commercially viable as a rehabilitation project as the chances of survival are seen as poor.


So far we have planted around 40,000 trees and bushes - this includes: (please ignore spelling)


  • Melaluca Viminea

  • Melaluca Hammosh

  • Melaluca Uncinea

  • Eucalyptus Sargentii

  • Eucalyptus Vergrandis

  • Eucalyptus Myreadeaia

  • As well as thousands of Old Man Saltbush


It has been extremely rewarding and encouraging to watch them grow!


Again in 2023 we have reached out to Carbon Neutral and have offset our business through their tools. We have chosen the money to be distributed to the Conservation Project which is close to us and close to our hearts. Read More


We use the Leave No Trace principles and have well maintained vehicles ensuring that you have peace of mind during your adventure. 


We have worked with Trackcare WA to create an annual Keep Australia Beautiful Beach Clean up event. Liaising with Tangaroa Blue, Parks & Wildlife and Keep Australia Beautiful Council with assistance from the Shire of Manjimup.


Each year the beach clean up event has been growing, with 30 plus people joining us this year once again. 

To register for the next to be held on the weekend of the 16th November 2024 event click here.

"I have always associated Pemby with trees and forests, not dunes and beaches... the huge white sand dunes were both a surprise to find and beautiful... "

Rich, WA


PO Box 316

Pemberton, 6260

Western Australia

Tel / 
Mob: +61 0427 133335


Tours operate daily - book online

Available by phone or email 24/7

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Pemberton Discovery Tours Pty Ltd acknowledges the Wadandi and Pibelmen people as the original inhabitants and traditional custodians of the land in and around the region we operate;

We acknowledge the importance of paying respect to the traditional custodians of the land, their Elders past and present and the continuing cultural and spiritual practices of local Aboriginal people;
We acknowledge the value of local Elders and traditional custodians and their intellectual cultural property and;
Ensure our staff and team understand the importance of Welcome to and Acknowledgement of Country.

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